This recipe comes to you courtesy of It is remarkable because I did not do anything to change it! I know, crazy huh? I always change at least one thing. I do have a suggestion though. You can make it more waistline friendly if you use brown rice instead of white, and leave out the cheese, which I did. Oh, I guess I did alter it slightly then.
As for my review:
Did you ever just have one of "those" days? My baby, who got sick one week ago today became unruly yesterday afternoon, so as I was sitting in the elementary school parking lot waiting for my daughters I decided to call up the Pediatrician and see if I could get him an appointment. They {unbelievably} said come right now and we can see him right away! So of course I did. Driving 30 minutes and all the time thinking, I'm never going to get dinner in the oven on time, before I have to leave for school and the kids need to go to church and make it to the drugstore if he needs a prescription. So, he does have a deep inner ear infection, two molars on the brink of slicing through his tender little gums, and a killer rash on his tush.
The point of my long tale is that I did get the dinner cooked, but not eaten. All I could manage was leftover pizza and tonight we will enjoy my delicious looking casserole. So I will tell you how it tastes tomorrow. Bonus double review, how it tastes and how it tastes reheated!
The Recipe
1 can low cal condensed cream of chicken soup
1 1/3 cup water
3/4 cup uncooked white rice
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp pepper
2 cup frozen mixed vegetables (use what you like or what you have)
4 chicken breasts (I put in 6)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (use low fat or none at all)
375 degrees for 50 minutes
Stir soup, water, rice, seasons and vegetables in a baking dish. Top with chicken. Cover dish and bake for 50 minutes or chicken is cooked through. Top with cheese and let stand 10 minutes. I would serve it with rolls or biscuits, but since it is really three dishes in one you don't really need anything.
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